Speaking of edible, have you tried these?

And apparently NC decided to go from winter to summer. Today it is supposed to reach 92 with blizzard-like pollen conditions. I'm staying inside.

I have a slight addiction.

The biggest news of the weekend was the engagement of my brother!!! I can't wait to share their story with you. But I have to run because a high school friend of mine is coming over for lunch with her adorable twins that I've never met. Should be a fun trip down memory lane!
Oh, and did I mention we are on SPRING BREAK?!!!!! Doing the happy dance in the pine pollen.
Happy spring break!
Hope to hear your brother's story someday, I love a good love story!
Happy Easter to you and yours.
resurrection rolls look like something my kids would enjoy. Anything with marshmallows!
Trying to survive the pollen here too.
The pollen.
I'm pretty sure that there is a corner of Hades that is made up of nothing but pine pollen...and not a claritin in sight.
Enjoy Spring Break...
It is blissful. Pollen or not.
Looks like you had a splendid Easter. How wonderful!
Have a great spring break, but do stop by my blog sometime today if you can. It's my 100th post and I'm having a party!
Well Good afternoon, from a new friend! I just happened upon your lovely blog. Looks like you had some wonderful and hot fun this Easter. I'm very interested in the Resurrection Rolls. What a fun way to give a hands on illustration of Jesus, the risen One!
I see you have a whole bunch of colord eggs. If you have any left over, come visit my blog- I just posted a yummy recipe for egg salad with cream cheese and herbs.
So wonderful to meet you today!
I'm so addicted to those nest eggs already :) Have a fun spring break!
pollen like blizzard-haha!!!
our cars are yellow!
I know that half-empty bag of Nestle Crunch Eggs well. ALL TOO WELL.
Waving to you from the other side of the pollen blizzard. Sure hope pollen yellow is the 'in' color, being my new porch floor color and all..and my porch furniture, decor, etc..:) Love the Easter/dessert idea!
Blizzard-like pollen conditions is right! And so gross!
Hope you're having a great break!
Congrats to your little bro and his fiancee too! Hooray! :)
Just found your blog amid the yellow fog that is engulfing my house. This Yankee girl just doesn't get it! If only it would rain! We're also on spring break and enjoying it -- one of my girls just went with the youth group to dinner and a movie.
It's wonderful to find another Sister down here. Can you add one of those email thingys to your blog? I'd love to get the updated posts via email.
Blessings from Roanoke Rapids up on the border,
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