I told my Manly Man that I need to go out of town more often. After a few days of having the house to himself, he painted the den and had our foyer/hallway/stairway painted. It was like coming home to a new house!
Now for some before and after pictures:
Before (fireplace):
After (fireplace):
Before (looking into kitchen):
After (looking into kitchen):

The color is Garden Sage by S.W. It is very soothing and relaxing. While I loved the tuscan yellow, it was very busy for a room that we use to relax. The room also has some new (summer) window treatments, but I'll save that for another day.
I'll have to take some 'after' shots of my foyer, too. It is the famous "Tobacco Road" retired Duron color, color-matched by Sherwin Williams. It's sublime!
Sage green is one of my favorite colors - The last three master bedrooms I've had were painted sage. Very soothing and relaxing.
Your home looks beautiful! I am in love with your bunny platter! It looks lovely with your white wall pocket and scroll above. :o)
Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne
I really like the green... very soothing. I am impressed with your manly man... :)
You took the words right out of my mouth....soothing is the right word. Love the green and red together - so pretty! Linda
Wow! What a change! I have sage green walls in my kitchen with red accents, so I really like how your green walls are next to your red ones.
I love your new color ~ very inviting and relaxing. I'm not sure what I would come home to if I left for a few days. I don't think it would be home improvements ~ at least not what I would consider to be :)
oooo...sage green...my bedroom is sage green. Speaking of paint, I just bought $50 worth of pre-teen pink for K1's room. I hope it turns out OK.. :/
The green is divine...very relaxing. Way to go Husband of yours.
It looks wonderful! When I go out of town and come back all I have is a sink full of dirty dishes. You are a lucky lady.
I love the new color! So soothing & relaxing. Just what the doctor ordered. Now if I could only get my hubby to paint. Fat chance!
What a difference! It looks very Pottery Barnish now. :) That's a great thing in my opinion.
I love the green. I'm not kidding you....I'm going to paint my house that color.
So soothing.!
Wow...girl, you really do need to go away more.
Happy Monday~
wonderful color of green. Looks 100% Better..can't wait to see the foyer.
I just painted my kitchen saybrook sage. Very bright and cheerful.
I love the change and how sweet of mm to do that for you while you were away. I agree with everyone it is so soothing.
Your house looks great-very updated. I just changed my walls to white and beige after having the same red and yellow color scheme. It's amazing what changing your wall color can do to a room. :O)
That is an awesome green! Great job!
Hope you gave him a big kiss!
I love your new walls colors! Your husband is great to do this for you.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ; )
your home looks fantastic, love the built in and your new paint colors. A whole new beautiful look!
It's beautiful! He was busy!
Good job to the hubby with the green! I love how paint can make such a dramatic difference!
The green is fantasic. Could you send me the tobacco road fomula that Sherwin Williams used for you. I've seen the color on the internet and don't have anything to color mathc it. Please. Even post it on my blog that's sorely neglected.
I just wandered onto your blog! And actually gasped when I saw the Tuscan yellow with the red! I LOVE the sage! So soothing! It just seems to invite you to sit and relax! by the way, I am loving your blog!
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