I have a friend that is facing some difficult challenges. I encouraged her to focus on the things in her life that bring her joy. That's good medicine for all of us, isn't it? I'm not talking major miracles, just the small things in everyday life that trigger a smile.

Here in NC, we have to pretend that it is fall, because actually, it is warm enough to do this:
And yes, this pint sized super hero makes me smile. Everyday.

Do you have a kitchen gadget that you can't live without? I do:
I use my spoonulas from William Sonoma every single day. Not only are they practical, but they come in a variety of colors. I love variety!

One more thing that makes me smile .... my hubby keeps this collection in our detached garage:
Slight obsession, but that's okay. I don't have to look at it. =) Just in case you were wondering, his artistic talent was put to use here, too. (He drew and painted the sign)

He makes me smile, in so very many ways.
What is something that makes you smile today?
1. Watching my art students create a reproduction of Van Gogh's 'Starry Night'.
2. Watching my family react to 4 beetles flying into the house.
3. My Mary Kay order showing up 5 days early!! :D
4. A Diet Coke the size of my head from McDs.
5. Knowing that I have a 'mom's weekend away' in 8 days.
Thanks for the post..Have a fabulous weekend!
i was just thinking TODAY that it was a great day for a swim and wondering if yall were still swimming outside:).
Good advise for your friend. I'll keep her in my prayers. I can't say that I like your little resident! I'm scared of spiders. And please tell me where you get TRIPLE coupons?! That's great!
I parked on the side of our busy road today and walked shin deep in an overgrown ditch to stand at the end of a driveway and take a photo of a farmhouse I have been intrigued with for over two years. Still smiling at the photos on my computer. :) *Love* your triples bounty!
What a great post. you really have lots to smile about. Things that made me smile today. My family, missing them and knowing that the weekend is soon here and we can hang out. Getting my haircut. Finishing work on time, and coming home to a vase full of flowers from my sweet kids and husband. Catching up on my favorite blogs before I go to bed;)
YOU DO!!!!!!
Wow, I think your family likes cereal as much as we do. This may sound corny but I just love the fact that you see beauty in that spider. Most people would scream and call pest control. No, this little guy/girl makes you smile...such respect for nature. :-)
I love those big spiders. I have one that builds outside my laundry room door every year around this time and hangs out until Halloween.
One less door to seasonally decorate.
NO WAY!!!! We have your spider's twin living at our house. Identical webs, too. We named ours Charlotte!!!!! I hate spiders, but, for some reason, I don't mind her.
And all those groceries?! MY WORD!!
What makes me smile...my daughter, my husband, and sweet tea! LOL!
If you like Starbucks, you'll love my giveaway! (Your choice of a Target, Amazon, or STARBUCKS gift card.) Stop by and say hi.
What store lets you TRIPLE coupon????
A smile IS all the medicine you will ever need.
I've never seen a web or a spider like that! Pretty fancy web making!
NO WAY did you get all that for $14.87! You rock!
Spoonulas are one of my favorite kitchen utensils. Mine are red. They are beautiful.
Your mom's comment made me smile just now.
Triple coupons happen about once a month at Harris Teeter (grocery store chain in the southeast)
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