It's funny how life can throw you a curve ball. Sometimes those curve balls turn out to be a home run. Other times it can be an embarrassing strike out. Sometimes we work ourselves up before we even get up to the plate, only to find the things we think are going to be difficult really aren't.
Our family just started our 9th week of homeschooling. I thought my kids would be sick of each other. Instead, they get along better than they ever have. I thought I would struggle with being at home all the time. I've become a hermit homebody and love it.

I need space. Alone time. Personal growth time. Some people like it. I need it. I feared losing my identity. I cherished the adult interaction I got while teaching preschool. I enjoyed having 2 days a week to clean, blog, cook, run errands, or veg out.
Even though I don't have as much time, energy, and brain cells to blog as I would like, my perspective on life has changed. I've seen myself become less self-centered over the last 9 weeks. And you know what? It feels pretty good. I realized that even though I'd love a quiet morning to meet a friend for coffee, the benefits of watching my daughter's confidence bloom is so everlastin' better. My perspective has changed. All that I feared is just a vapor. All those "needs" turned out to be "wants." I didn't lose my identity. I found peace. True, genuine, peace.

I'm not suggesting that you need to homeschool. Do not do it... Don't do it if you are not called.
I am simply suggesting that you listen to what the Lord might be calling you to do.
I couldn't have worded that any better had I tried.
My feelings exactly.
I just stumbled onto your blog and I made the same decision three years ago. Let me tell you, I hear you all the way! My kids have grown so much, have become more comfortable in their own skin, are excited about learning again. Yes it is a tough decision, it means sacrifice but the rewards are great. One suggestion I would make is getting involved in some external classes for fun. We have it offered through our school district. The kids love being able to go to classes with other kids, and I like getting to meet other moms like me. It has been a great source of support. My girls have grown closer due to homeschooling, and even though they will have their days, where that yellow bus goes by and you dream a little. The good side far outweighs that momentary pleasure. I can't believe the transformation I have seen in my own kids. Its truely amazing. Good for you. Loved your post.
I'm so proud of you my friend!! Even from a far I can see the confidence and joy in those sweet faces! Proud of you for listening to God's calling for you and your family!!
Thank you for this post. What a perfect, relevant gift to unwrap again and again: the gift of perspective. Not to mention the wonderful, hard, enriching time you are spending with your babies.
The time with your kids, watching them learn and grow before your very eyes, is such a gift! Good luck, I'm sure you're doing a wonderful job! :)
in my few minutes before we run out the door, i'm so glad i stumbled upon your post. amen for curve balls!
I found your blog from Chatting at the Sky...I am so excited for you. I hs my kids and have for 4 years. It is a blessing and I love it! {even on the hard days!} This year we joined a co-op and what fun we are having! I am sure though to start my day with a Chai Latte and Bible reading!
Many blessings as the school year continues. <><
There are not many good things that come without sacrifice. So glad you found the joy in thinking outside of yourself!
Thank you for leaving a sweet comment--I appreciate it! Your blog is so nice--it seems we have a few things in common. I will come back and stay awhile when I have time!
when my oldest was in first grade, he asked me almost everyday--well into second grade--to homeschool him. (I have also taught preschool!) At the time, I thought no way, no how. Now that he is in 6th--I am really regret my decision! Praises to you for listening to God and good luck!
Truly beautiful. I am taking a year off of teaching to care for my baby, and I felt the same way as you- I thought I would hate staying at home 24/7 because I loved my job so much. Despite the huge difference in our salary this year, I wouldn't trade watching my son grow for the world!
Curve balls can be unnerving. I saw a quote this past week that said to swing hard at every ball thrown your way....you just may connect with it.
your last paragraph hit me. I'll have to think on this one...thanks for the push.
those crayons make me want to color! your words really touched me... that perspective stuff. my change came over a year ago and while i am content, i am still working on changing my total perspective :)
I am so proud of you!
This is perfect. Thank you for it. :)
Oh, my darling girl, this was just beautiful!
Well, you know what I have to say! :D
I am so proud of you and have totally enjoyed cheering from the stands. I mean, really, you absolutely HAVE to cheer for a HOMERUN, don't you??
The best is yet to come (and maybe some of the worst, but the best far outweighs it 2 to 1)
Hi New Every Morning,
Thanks for commenting on my blog today! It's great to meet you via cyberspace. I loved your post today, especially that last line: that the curve ball might just turn out to be a home run. I feel that way about a lot of turns my life has taken -- everything from moving to Nebraska from Massachusetts to embracing God after a two-decade hiatus, to starting to write. Thanks for putting it so succinctly.
I'll be back to your blog again!
Great post! Thanks for sharing your heart with us.
I think that you are giving your kids the greatest gift...an education! I would love to be a homeschool Mom but I have many of those same fears, ugh~
Kudos to you! Isn't it amazing when we take our blinders off how more clearly we see God's will? Hmmm? He really wants what is best for me/you? :) BTW- thanks for commenting on my blog. Your words are very encouraging.
oh my goodness, my friend...this just warms my heart even more than hearing about your amazing Harris Teeter couponing trip.
So thrilled for you..knowing that HE is using you for His kingdom through these precious blessings. :)
Congratulations on taking the homeschooling plunge!
All things work together when you're obedient to what the Lord has called you to do.
It's the most fun and wonderful decision my husband and I ever made.
Every time I see you - you are glowing and I must say this is at least one of the big reasons 'why'. Course who can go wrong when one follows God's calling on your life.
I really appreciate this post having just starting homeschooling myself for the 1st time this year - shocking all who know me well. Trained as an engineer, classified as boring and unimaginative, having had zero experience teaching minors in the classroom, I struggled immensely with feelings of inadequacy. Most of my homeschooling friends had previously been teachers or social workers or had some relevant experience and were exceptionally creative and fun. You said it so well about fears being unfounded and needs really being wants. We're only on our 6th week, but it's going so much better than I ever imagined. With God, all things are possible! Thanks for sharing.
Hi sweet friend. Yes, it is all about how we CHOOSE to look at the situations before us. I know your children are loving being with you. May God continue to bless your school.
Wow, what a courageous decision! I've found that God often asks me to give up things that are dear to me, but He never gives me reason to regret it when I obey. :) This is a precious story. :)
Well said! I homeschooled our children for 5 years. Then we were presented with the opportunity to send them to a great school, so we decided to do that. After all, I thought, I could use a break and a chance to catch up on some things and refresh a bit. What I found was (1) I missed my children! (2) I felt disconnected from their lives because someone else had them during the best part of their days. and (3) We struggled to find any quality time together as a family because we had to adhere to the school's schedule. My husband's day off is during the week, but the kids weren't here to enjoy it. Our evenings were consumed with homework and getting ready to leave again in the morning. I'm back to homeschooling one of them this year and hopefully all of them next year and it's such a relief! I wouldn't trade this for all the "freedom" in the world!
God is so faithful! Isn't it great to already see the blessings? I am so happy that you are enjoying your new journey.
Coming to you through DIY day. I love your white headboard. Great job! And free? wow!
My curve ball......staying at home with my precious boy/girl twins when I thought I was going back to work.
Long story short I thought I was just gonna throw these premies in daycare and go back to work. Little did I know that there were no openings, it was terribly expensive and I had no idea that my MIL was going to tell me to STAY HOME.......So there's my curve ball...or home run as you say. My precious babies are almost 3.5, healthy and very well adjusted and I am very fortunate to stay home.
-Shannon in Austin
We homeschool, too! And I couldn't agree more with the words you wrote!
I love this post. We homeschool....my inner homebody has blossomed and I love every bit of it! Well, except those really hard days, but they pass ;)
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