Ready for some fun decorating ideas?
After you check out the ones below, scoot on over to the Nester where you will find all kinds of ideas. She is having a blog party for window 'mistreatments' with lots of links to follow!
We recently redecorated our downstairs bath. I love the light that comes in the window above the shower, so I didn't want to cover it completely. I was dying to use this fun fabric so I just used two shower curtain rods:

My daughter's bedroom has a very large double window. I wanted to keep things soft, so rather than using a curtain rod, I simply covered a long pvc pipe with fabric. This is only half of the window, obviously:

My manly man's one request when we built our house was that he have a 'trophy' room (he already has his trophy wife, hehe). In order to keep the room manly, yet warm, I made these window mis-treatments. It is a cornice board (that he cut) wrapped in batting. I then wrapped the whole thing in fabric and stapled the panels to the back of it. Yep. No lining. Just seams and staples on those babies.

We did the same thing with our bedroom windows: cornice boards wrapped and stapled with batting and fabric. BTW: this is the 3rd fabric these babies have been covered in. I told you I like change!
My most recent 'mistreatment' has a funny story. Last summer we gave my mom a metal gazebo for her birthday. It was great and enjoyed by all. Unfortunately, we had a huge windstorm this early spring and it toppled the whole thing over their fence. Most of it was bent and damaged beyond repair. She did, however, salvage the four corners. She asked me if I'd like to have one of the corners to use as a lattice for my garden. Of course, I jumped on that!

But after looking at it, I decided it had a better purpose:
We split the L-shaped corner in half and put them on either side of our foyer window. Since it is on the 2nd story, and only accessible by ladder, I wanted something that wouldn't attract much dust (i.e. fabric). It was only after we got them up, did I realize the scrollwork matched our chandelier!

Cute, cute, cute! The PVC pipe idea is genius!
You have been a busy little bee with all your decorating projects. Love them all...especially the table. You had mentioned about chairs. There is a place called Revival Antiques on Capital almost to downtown. They also have a place at the flea market. The location on Capital is open during the week. Anyway, they have a warehouse full of stuff, including chairs. Don't know if you like the mix and match look but a great place to find chairs. The stuff in the warehouse needs a little TLC but worth a look. Prices vary.
Good grief, girlfriend. You win the prize so far this morning. I love how they match the chandelier. It's a God thing...yes, he works...even in decorating schemes. Love the mistreatments as well, and am inspired how you just stapled them on to your cornice boards. I think I can do that.
Wow - the wrought iron panels in the stairwell look absolutely incredible. I think it's my favorite so far!!! Great job - thanks for sharing today. Nancy
girl, love it all but, the gazebo remains just take the um, cake so to speak--GREAT idea!!!
These are wonderful mistreatments. I love the fabric on the cornice boards in your master bedroom!
Love all your treatments and ideas....sooo pretty!
Good morning, you and I are kindred hearts, we just didn't know it. I love power tools and decorating too! I love a day filled with sanding, nailing, painting (spray paint of course) and sewing. How fun! Hey I enjoyed your post and love the gazebo window look! What a great idea. Hey have a blessed day today. I will be back, and I am adding you to my favorites.
Your rooms are GORGEOUS! I especially love the chandelier! I'm with you on your comment. Do I have to feed my kids or can I just sit in front of my monitor all day?
Those are too cute...and the pvc pipe is great!! I LOVE those scroll "shutters" beside that high window....gorgeous!
I love your mistreatments!
A couple of things:
1. In case you want to try the western theme again next year, check out Oriental Trading. I got some things from them. I also made some things myself. Plus some very clever fabric. ;)
2. I took my 6 and 8 (almost 9) year old girls to see Kit Kittredge. After I had assure my older one that we do have enough money to pay for the house, we also had a good discussion about the Depression and today's economy. It was one of the best kid movies I've seen!
Gosh I had a hard time getting your comment window to open. Strange!
Anyhow, the foyer decoration idea looks so great!! I don't think it would have ever occurred to me, but I really like it!
~ Sarah
Great mistreating. I love, love, love the treatment you did on the window above the entrance. I have a weird one like that. Really, what do they expect us to do with those.
Your daughters windows and beautiful. I so want a window seat in my girls' room. Projects, projects.
OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!! Everything is stunning! The pvc pipe idea I am so using that!!!
Can I move in?
I love all of it. Your daughters room is SO cute and what a great idea w/ the pvc pipe. I really like the shower curtain too!
What great mistreatments! I'm a big polka dot fan so that one caught my eye immediately and the starfish were so cute. And the scrollwork...oh my goodness that is so creative and beautiful! I just know I'm going to want to do that if I ever have a house with a window like that. Thanks for the idea!
Love everything that you've done!
Oh my goodness! You've been busy! I love those cornice boards in your bedroom. Just beautiful!
Beautiful! I continue to be amazed....
wow, girl, you've got some serious talent there!!! VERY nice mistreatments and the metal from the gazebo makes it look like a balcony window!! I adore it!! Woo-hoo for you!
I do not lurk!! SO! I noticed your previous post and I did find you thru the Nester...and you have such a lovely home, I must say THAT is what I'd like to see! Fun ideas, cheap projects, decorating, shopping finds, etc. That's my fave things to read about!! :)
Come on over to my blog--but don't lurk, y'hear?? :)
Roots & Wings
Love all the mistreatments, but the gazebo pieces are SOOOO great! Love them!!
Great mistreatments!! The trophy room cracked me up...especially the trophy wife part, I love it! Thanks for visiting me today too!
Your mistreatments are so good!!! My favorite is the bedroom cornice. LOVE that fabric. Oh and those metal "shutters" you put by your foyer window look so good up there! Great idea!
What a beautiful decorating job! Thank you for your encouraging words... Thank you again for all your thoughtful comments, time and prayers during this difficult time.
kari & kijsa
Very pretty! I love all your ideas. cherry
how was your day?
i liked your blog
you are fantastic!!!
really nice blog
fabulous fantastic
take care
see you
I got that same comment from "rohit" today. Weird!
I love all your mistreatments! I love how you put starfish in your bathroom window. I have a window just like that so I think I'm going to try that! Cute!
Love your mistreatments. And those gazebo pieces - too awesome!! Great idea!
just wandered over from the Nester. I REALLY like your shower curtain with those polka dots and the starfish. I also like the blue and white bedroom mistreatments with the blue and white plates.
You did a GREAT job on your table!
I too want to call out lurkers on my blog.
I also really like your tour. Thanks for sharing! Nice to "meet you". Kelly
SO nice!!! Love that look...
I would love to just hire you to come and decorate my house. We have very similar tastes.
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