Many of you are hauling out the tree and pulling down the garland faster than I can say "it's still December." Trust me, I'm all about a good purge, but most years I like to hang on to Christmas as long as I can. I feel that way right now. Last year we had to clean it
all up so fast because I was leaving on the 27th for my
trip to Germany/
This year I'm letting December linger. January will be here, and I will be ready for simplicity again, but for now I'm enjoying the fact that I can actually see my tree skirt. :)
How was your Christmas?
I learned yesterday that isn't as safe of a question as I once thought.
I spoke to an elderly woman sitting behind us in church yesterday. Trying to be kind and welcoming (not knowing if it was their 1st time visiting, or not) I smiled sweetly and said good morning. I was answered with a gruff, "hi." Not "well hey" or "good morning to you."
A little southern etiquette had obviously not been taught at the NC welcome center on their way down from N.J. (no offense to any N.J. readers out there... just sayin').Not to be thwarted, I put on my best southern charm and said, "did you have a nice Christmas?"
Her reply with a nonchalant shrug of the shoulders: "It was different."
Umm... I was totally at a loss. Truly, how do you reply to that? There's just no graceful way to leave that conversation.
Assuming we had never met I simply smiled and suddenly became engaged in the needs of my children. She decided that the candid conversation wasn't over and said, "did your mother make doll clothes for your girls again this year?"
"Oh, you knew about that?" I replied, smiling sweetly (again), realizing that she knew me.
Her answer: "Well the whole church practically knew about it."
Really? A church of 2500+ and everyone knew about the doll clothes. I think not. I'm all about going the extra mile and being kind to those who are bitter, but don't you bring my momma into this.
I didn't try wish her a happy new year, because I had a feeling it wouldn't be. And I couldn't handle another snide remark to which I had no reply.
Praise the lord for children who need my attention in the seat next to mine at just the right moment.
How was our Christmas? Glad you asked because I have a wallet full of brag-photos:

We had a ball. The kids are at such a fun age. This was the year of grateful hearts and a mother's heart swelling with pride.
It's my blog, so just go ahead a roll your eyes at my shining moment. ;) My children were genuinely excited for each other as they opened their gifts. They were uber-excited when they opened their joint gift: a Wii (our first gaming system, evah).

Even after a 2-day gift giving, family visiting marathon, they were still full of joy. (As you can see on my son's face).
Having my brother home for a week added to the joy of the season.
Adding to the fun, he brought his "toy" home:

We let the kids try it, but since they couldn't handle Rock Band, the "grown ups" got to play to our hearts' content. (We may or may not have put the kids to bed early so that we could play).

I'm leaving my red and green up for a few more days and savoring the memories of Christmas.
What was your favorite moment of JOY from Christmas this year?