You've been the inspiration for my own love of mothering.
In each step of mothering, you've shown by example how to love, laugh, listen, and enjoy life.
You've been my cheerleader.
When I learned to walk you cheered me on, knowing it was one step toward you, yet one step toward growing up. You cheered me through the wonder years, making the small accomplishments seem grand. You cheered on through the teen years, even when I acted like I didn't need those cheers. I did. You cheered for me as I became a woman, found the man of my dreams, and stepped out on my own. You continue to cheer for me as a mom. Your encouragement always seems to come at the perfect time.
Everybody needs a cheerleader. Thank you for always being mine.
You give love freely.
Not only have you lavished love on me my entire life, but you also opened your heart to my husband. Thank you for welcoming him as a son from the beginning. Then, as our family has grown, you've showered your love on the little loves of my life. Never withholding. Never playing favorites.
You make life so fun.
Every ride in the car is a joy ride. Every trip to the beach, a fond memory. Life is not dull. It is lived to the fullest. You wrap it up in spontaneity and top it with lots of laughs. Every walk in the mountains is an adventure. You are my favorite traveling buddy, pounce player, shopping girl.
You listen.
You listened when I would whisper childhood secrets. You listened when I cried my heart out over teenage woes. You continue to listen when I just need to be heard. You listen to all of my silly mothering stories. You listen and you laugh. You listen and sometimes cry with me. Most importantly, you listen.
Today I celebrate all that you are to me. My mom.
I love you dearly. I do not take for granted how blessed I am to have you as my mom.