August 25, 2008

Chasing Butterflies

Oh to be a kid again, 
with nothing on my mind,
 just running around barefoot,
chasing butterflies.
Laughing and enjoying life,
waiting for the next adventure to begin.

I hope this week holds moments like these for you.  
Sometimes even adults need moments to just chase the butterflies.

Take a few minutes this week to savor, rest, and ENJOY life.
Blessings to you!!!

I run in the path of your commands (oh Lord!)
for you have set my heart free!
Psalm 119:32


Lacy said...

Hey bloggy I was chasing a run away pre kindergartener that did not want to be at school!!! So, I do hope butterflys come fluettering by so I can be reminded of Gods beauty. I loves the sweetness of this simple picture.

Linda said...

Great reminder. I also loved your Don't Blink post. You certainly speak the truth when you say it goes by fast.