If you are looking for your mother's ivy-in-every-brass-container greenery ideas, you're in the wrong place.
Not yet, but in a minute, after you finish reading this wealth of information, go visit the
Nester. She is hosting a whole party about greenery-gone-wild.
Wondering what that means?
People Opposed to Objectionable Pretend Plants In the Environment
She's serious. Really. Go check her out.
Well, in a minute, of course.
Back to Greenery 101
Today's 'greenery' isn't necessarily even green.
Take this burst of white berries for example. This little gem stands about 15" high. We're talking big impact and oh-so-versatile with it's changeable ribbon.

Now, I know that each person's taste and style is different. Take my husband, for instance. His idea of decorating with greenery would be this:

Seriously. He put that there. I have no idea where my red candle is. Funny guy. Fun-ny guy.
Back to our not-so-green greenery:
I'm really more of a berry girl, myself. It adds the warmth without necessarily throwing in one more accent color (i.e. green). This wreath hangs in our mud room. The colors are chocolate (not just plain ole
brown) and white with accents of blue.
Green greenery wouldn't work here.

There's just something comforting about a wreath, doncha think?
One more plug for berries, and then I'll move on. They are ssoooo seasonal! I have pink berries for the spring, white for winter, red for Christmas and these beauties for fall:

Another option for non-green greenery is the grape vine. These guys are so easy going. They don't mind being bare
neked, but they also love a little panache. A ribbon, some
berries, a few feathers, whatever. They're not picky. AND they aren't one size fits all. Their sizes and shapes are limitless! I've had this little cone/beehive/tree thingy forever. Really. It's one of my very first decorating thingamajigs. Right now it is a little bare:

But... it has a secret. Do you know what is hidden inside? Little white Christmas lights!!! They poke their little heads out and twinkle beautifully.
Enough about non-green greenery.
Let's talk green.
I'm going to be very blunt. Don't be mad, it's for your own good.
Disclaimer#1: if I know you personally, I do not critique my friend's greenery. This is just general cutting-edge decorating information. Do with it what you want. No hard feelings. Really.
1.If you have fake green ivy draped over every cabinet top in your kitchen, pull it down.
Too much of a good thing is bad. And ivy isn't necessarily a good thing.
2. If said green ivy is a brighter shade of green than what naturally grows, throw it away.
3. If said green ivy looks plastic, shiny or remotely f-a-k-e throw it away.
When looking for some new greenery to replace your oh-so 90's ivy, look for fun textures, realistic leaves, and soft hues. This 'dusty miller' plant is one of my favorites. It is almost furry to the touch. Remember 'green' doesn't always mean 'ivy'.

Now before I really make every ivy-lovin' gal mad. Let me say that ivy does
occasionally have its place. You may have the rare chance to find a bush of gorgeous green. Go for it! But typically, it is better as an accent. For example, I use it in this wrought iron planter in my family room. Right now it is doing a great job accenting the fall foliage. At Christmas it highlights the live poinsettia that nestles in there. See. Ivy is not evil. Just dangerous if not kept in check.
Disclaimer #2: Although the ivy in the picture looks shiny It's NOT!!! Silly flash.
One last note about greenery. Or ahem, not-so-greenery.
If by chance you have a dried flower arrangement/wreath/sprig etc... ask yourself these questions:
1. Does it look grey in overall appearance? Yes?
Throw it away.
2. Does it bring life to a room or scream 80's?
3. Does it just need some fresh sprigs to liven it up? Get to Garden Ridge asap.
4. Does it or did it once have any form of mauve or lavender in it? To the dump!
5. Have you had it more than 10 years? Unless it holds supreme sentimental value, it's time to let go. You can do it.
Okay. I can't let this one go. One more:
Magnolias were fabulous in 1992. It's 2008.