Except for my closet.
If I were to only post the picture above, the quote would read, "a place for everything, and everything in its place." I like to keep my shirts organized by color. (I learned that from my uber-organized hubby)

I think the quote that needs to hang on the door of my closet should read: "A normally organized woman who keeps her entire house maintained lives here. But, she is a complex person that needs a place to call her own. The 24 square feet beyond this door are hers and hers alone. Enter at your own risk."
After all, honesty is the best policy...
I know.
It's a contradiction from the upper half. Sigh.
I'm complex.
I also know that my mother is shaking her head and thinking that she taught me better. She did. Truly.
Recently, I have been convicted of said 24 square feet of madness. Not because of the typical "you should take better care of your things" reason. Rather, because I now need a sign to hang on my daughters' closets that reads:
The sins of the mother shall be passed on to her daughters.
Yesterday, we were frantically looking for shin guards, a missing Awana shirt, and a library book. Daughter A was in tears because she was leaving for soccer practice within 10 minutes. Daughter B found them in A's closet. I informed both girls that we were ALL cleaning out our closets tomorrow morning.
Daughter B decided to stay home with me while hubby did soccer duty. As soon as they left, Daughter B disappeared upstairs. I assumed she was enjoying a quiet moment to herself. 30 minutes later she came down the stairs and said with a playful grin, "I cleaned her closet for her."
Oh, precious, middle child, peacemaker of the family! What a task. What a gift of love and sacrifice!
What a gift to your mother, too. Even though she was feeling guilty for her own messy closet, you showed her that more important life lessons are still being learned.
So today I am sporting a new sign:
There are more important things in life than a clean closet