September 27, 2011


 Have you tried Gingergold Apples yet?  Oh my.  They are worth their weight in gold.  Speaking of treasures...
I don't have very many items in my home that I treasure.  Yes, I like fun stuff, but if the house were on fire the one item I would want to make sure I grabbed is this little treasure:

 This miniature pie safe is a family heirloom.  It's been in my mother's side of the family for generations.  Since it's origin, it has been passed down to the eldest daughter.  When my mom inherited it, she immediately gave it to me (her eldest daughter) because she knew my love for it.  I have fond memories of playing with it at my grandmother's house.

It isn't perfect, but the sentimental value is priceless.  I think my momma left her toddler size mark on the inside of the door.  I can just imagine her in a baby doll style dress and dark ringlets.

 It doesn't hold much.  What I found in the drawer today is probably a bit different than what it used to hold in years past.

I didn't even realize until I took the picture how different the tin is in each door.  Now that I look at it, I believe the tin on the right is the original.
 Yep, it's not perfect, but it is a treasure to me.

A pint sized treasure that my own children have enjoyed.  And now I treasure all of those memories in my heart.

Do you have a treasured heirloom?  Do tell!


Mom said...

You're right that only one of the door tins is original; and that I drew the star on there; and that I was thrilled to pass it on to you as soon as I got it because I knew it wouldn't be long until you had your own to share it with. The ringlets were blonde... but when the ringlets turned to waves they were brown.
I was really blessed that this is the one item that you treasure enough to grab in case of fire. Stuff is only stuff, but memories are sweet. I remember you playing with the china miniature dishes that your grandma kept in this little pie safe for your visits, & that's a sweet memory for me!

Kellie said...

That is precious... What a beautiful treasure!!