Now that we're in the egg business, I get asked that question a lot. I always answer with, "don't feel silly for asking. I asked the same question before we started down this path."
Have you ever cracked an egg and found a half developed chick? Shudder. It ranks right up there with cleaning up an overflowing toilet, doesn't it?
So here's a little Egg Production 101
Chickens produce eggs just like the human female body produces eggs when she ovulates. Like the human eggs, chicken eggs will not produce a baby (chick) without fertilization. They will remain eggs unless fertilized by a rooster. It's a simple equation.
No rooster = no baby chicks.
It's also a great segue into THE talk with kids. I actually loved taking the "nature" approach with that conversation.
If you are purchasing eggs from your local farmer, it's worth asking if their roosters have access to the hens. At least you will know what to expect when you crack open your farm fresh eggs.
We do not have roosters with our hens, so if you are purchasing eggs from us, the answer will be, "you never have to worry about finding a chick in your scrambled eggs."
July 30, 2012
July 28, 2012
300,000 Meals, 7 inches, 2000 miles, 25 years, and 1000 Calories
What do those five things have in common? My week at a glance!
300,000 MEALS
Last weekend we had the privilege of being part of FEED THE HUNGER. Our team's goal was to pack 300,000 meals in two days.
We can't afford for our family to go to Africa right now, but this was an awesome way to allow my kids to be the hands and feet of Christ from thousands of miles away.
I got seven inches of hair cut off. You know me, go big or go home! ;)
Yes, I'm still getting used to it and every once in a while think, "what did I do?!" But so far, I'm enjoying my new do and appreciating the extra minutes it gives me in the morning.
I spent 4 days with my college roommate and enjoyed every single minute. We used to say that we couldn't complete a sentence because of our little ones interrupting us. This weekend it was just the two of us and we realized that it is now age (and loss of motherhood brain cells) that is the problem. We made up for unfinished sentences with hours of deep conversation, laughs, and yummy Greek food.
2,000 MILES
That's how far this sweet bloggy friend traveled for the She Speaks conference and lunch with ME! When people question the if people are real on their blogs, all I have to do is tell them about the sweet friendships the Lord has given me through bloggy world. Bugs N Sunshine is just as fun/adorable/sweet in real life as she is on my computer screen.
I totally had to take a bite of humble pie to post this photo. She looks fabulous, but I still hadn't learned how to do mastered my new haircut. So yes, I know I look like a pinhead, but I'm on a learning curve.
Okay, so technically it's 30 years but anyways, that's how long I've known these sweet girls. They took a little trip and met me in the middle of nowhere for a three hour drink of coffee. We hadn't seen each other in over 20 years, so the reunion was SWEET.
The total calories, give or take, in my breakfast on Tuesday. Spent some time in the Ikea Market while waiting for the showroom to open. It was a great way to end my weekend filled with memories to cherish!
July 20, 2012
Feel the Joy
Most folks are about as happy as they make their minds up to be.
~Abraham Lincoln
A happy heart is like good medicine... ~Proverbs 17:22a
Sprinkle joy. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you and all the trees of the field will clap their hands. ~Isaiah 55:12
May your weekend be filled with happiness and overflowing with joy!
July 19, 2012
Back Online
I've been borrowing sketchy internet service, visiting my parent's house, and/or spending a few extra minutes at the local Starbucks to reply to emails for almost a month. While I adore my iphone, it isn't the most efficient when wanting to read blogs, write blogs, or send mass emails; not to mention the internet shopping I need to do since we are a week away from beginning the new school year and I still haven't purchased all of our schoolbooks.
My husband is brilliant when it comes to practical thinking, but would be perfectly content if the world rid itself of all things techy. :) So, much to my surprise, he came up with the idea of using my iphone as a hotspot to be able to blog.
The heavens parted and the angels sang.
Actually, the heavens did part and we watched a majestic display yesterday at the pool as the thunder clouds rolled in. I think God's favorite color must be blue. Every creature on earth gets to enjoy that color. Deep, I know. ;)
On Saturday I had a little teeny road trip ALONE to Hobby Lobby. I was on a mission to find knobs for our new house. There were so many to choose from!
I was able to get all of our kitchen knobs and pulls as well as the knobs for the kids' bathrooms... at 50% off!!! Woot woot! (None are pictured above, but see what I mean about the cuteness abounding?!)This was in my fortune cookie this week. Not that I get a fortune cookie every week.
How about that?! What a great perspective on life!
This little guy has been hanging out at our pool this summer. My kids say he's blowing bubble gum when he does this. Actually, it's a mating call.
Guess it's working...yeah. That awkward moment when National Geographic interrupts pool time fun and provides tons of questions from my 8 year old son. Fabulous.
July 12, 2012
Happy Birthday, Mom!
My mom is one of the greatest gifts in my life. She is beautiful inside and out. She loves the Lord.
She's my world travel buddy...
She adores my kids...
She's still madly in love with my dad...
I love you, Mom!!!
She's my world travel buddy...
She adores my kids...
She's still madly in love with my dad...
She knows how to have a good time...
Yep, I want to be like her when I grow up!I love you, Mom!!!
July 10, 2012
The Intentional Summer
We only have 18 times to create summer memories for our children. 15 if you're counting the ones they will remember. What do you want your kids to remember? I hope mine will remember lazy days by the pool, cookouts with friends and family, trips to the beach, and quiet afternoons filled with adventures found within the pages of a good book.
As with most seasons of life, if I am not intentional, summers will slip by without warning. I am realizing that we're on the short side of the timeline with my oldest. In 5 summers, we will be packing her up for college. Suddenly being intentional becomes imperative.
Intentionally relaxed.
Intentionally enjoying the season.
Intentionally making the most of a carefree day.
Intentionally creating memories filled with laughter, rolled in summer goodness.
What is your favorite summer activity?
July 9, 2012
Where Are You Staying While You Build Your House?
I feel as though I've answered this question a million times. But the fact that it has been such an incredible God thing keeps me smiling each time I share it!
When we first began thinking about building a new home, one of the biggest obstacles was finding affordable housing for the few months between selling our current home and finishing the next one. This is the third home we've built and the previous two temporary housing details were worked out perfectly. When we built our first home, my husband and I were working full time, so we lived with my parents. It worked out well because we would all leave early in the morning and enjoy dinner together (usually homemade by my mom who happens to be a wonderful cook.) Spoiled rotten. :)
With our second build, we were able to sell and then rent back our house from the buyers.
This time, the Lord provided again! Now that we have 5 people in our family, we knew living with someone else would be too much togetherness. My husband has an amazing aunt and uncle that contacted us when we first put our house on the market. They live about a mile from our house and offered for us to live in their house while we build. They happen to have a gorgeous mountain house and offered to move there while we live in their house here. Am I confusing you yet? ;)
Basically the only things we had to move into their home were our clothes, necessities, and school stuff. Everything else is in storage. Isn't that amazing? No sorting through boxes and trying to figure out which pots and pans I would need for our temporary digs. It's a furnished house and we are loving every minute!
My girls are learning togetherness as they share a room. I think it's great! They will appreciate their new rooms - and space- even more. The home sits deep in the woods of a cute little neighborhood and we love the quiet setting. We even have some unusual neighbors:
Yes, it's an albino deer and she hangs out with the other deer that live in our yard.
God is good!
July 2, 2012
Gifts of Change

On Thursday morning, we awoke in our new temporary home to a wonderful gift.
Nothing says "welcome to the neighborhood" like homemade cinnamon yeast rolls waiting on the front porch. It was such a precious gift and another reassurance that we are doing the right thing.
We have fervently prayed over the new homeowners since they will be neighbors to my parents. I specifically prayed for a sweet family. On the day of the closing, it was such a joy to get to meet the family and realize that my prayers had been answered. To start their journey off right in their new home, I left this little gift on the counter:
Inside the card I wrote:
May each new SEASON in your new home be filled with love and happiness
Within the basked I packed a spring candle, fall pumpkin butter, a summer plant and beach ball and a winter slush puppie snack. By the way, a wintery gift was hard to find on a 105 heat index day, hence the slush puppie ;)
It was such a fun little gift to put together. I hope it makes their move to a new city and home a welcome change.
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