We all work together. Mostly happily... sometimes with attitudes that match the mud on the bottom of our boots. The kids help best when there is a bribe of riding 4wheelers or going into town for a shaved ice. They're kids, after all. And I'm not above parental bribery.

I discovered a huge, wild rose bush in our backyard this May. The blooms are so fragrant. They only lasted a couple of weeks, but they were a wonderful little treat. I felt like they were a bouquet sent from God.
Farm life isn't always work. I love that my kids can step away (sometimes into another world) into a good book. My sweet boy just finished reading all 7 books of The Chronicles of Narnia. When he finished, he declared, "time to start over!" That boy sure knows how to make me melt.In the 7 months we've lived at the farm, we've had more than 8 major events at the farm. I think my fear of isolation has completely dissolved. A pleasant surprise. We've had maybe three Saturdays without anyone stopping by; and those were probably rainy Saturdays. We love that friends and family want to come out for a visit.
If you cook it, they will come. NC is famous for its vinegary bbq sauce and my husband's family recipe is noteworthy. I don't really like pork, but they still let me live here and make the side fixins'.
Our visitors come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Rocky and Neicy came for a 5 month visit. The timing was perfect, right after Pickles the goat died. Good medicine for my heartbroken girl.
Since our goat visitors left, we've added 3 new goats to the farm. More pics to come.
Overall, I think the tranquillity (mixed with the physical labor) has been the most surprising. In the evenings, when the shadows are long, I love walking out to the field. I would have never guessed that a field full of happy chickens could bring such a sense of peace.
My kids have found peace here, too. After arriving home from a visit to the mountains, my daughter (who happened to be the one least excited about moving to a farm) said, "I love it here. We have found our true home."
As I type these last words, I am overwhelmed by a sense of contentment. Not because of a new place to live, but because my children belong here. Their own sense of contentment should not come as a surprise, but it does. And I am grateful.