One of the endearing qualities of my hubby, is his life-long love for cartoons. Some men love ESPN. Some men love Fox News. My man loves the Cartoon Network. Brings out the kid in him. So, due to the fact that I have been exposed to more cartoons than the average woman, I've had time to ponder some things.
Let's begin with one of hubby's favorites:

1. First of all, Daphne, love how you've brought the scarf back in to fashion. It's so versatile. Could you please tell Velma that her glasses are a little dated, and the bobby socks have got to go?
2. Shaggy, have you ever considered therapy? How about a cameo appearance on Fear Factor?
3. Friends, after a bazillion episodes, it's time to put on your thinking caps and do a little extrapolation: the scary bad guy isn't really a monster. He's just a grumpy old fart that wants his money back, and in recent months realized how much he could have been saving with Geico.
Moving on to more current shows...
My children have recently enjoyed this little duo:
But really. Couldn't the writers come up with some other names? As if mothers of preschoolers don't have enough toots and puddles to deal with. However, it does air on Noggin, which in fact, is "like preschool on tv." So at least I know I can set my child in front of the tube for the day and know that all of his educational needs will be met. Ahem.

As an educator, I'm all about shows with educational/character building qualities. Take for instance these little guys. They don't let size get in the way of rescuing other animals from sure disaster. But...
I DO have a problem with their voices. Somebody please tell them they can get state funded speech therapy!

Speaking of getting the government involved, I think someone needs to notify DSS of the lack of parental care in this household:
Poor Ruby has to care for her little brother Max round the clock. I'm not sure what happened to their parents, but it must have been very disturbing. Max fixates on one word and repeats it until poor Ruby realizes the brilliant little brother had the answer all along. We've been watching this show for at least 4 years and his elocution is still deficient. Maybe he could join the Wonder Pets in speech therapy, 2 for 1 deal, maybe?

Not only do I love a good character building show, but one that also gets the kids up and moving is a real plus. The makers of "Lazytown" are right on. After watching the moves of Sportacus and Stephanie, it makes me want to go join the local gymnastics class.
But sometimes I wonder is Stephanie ever notices that she doesn't quite look like the rest of the people in Lazytown. Also, she might want to tell her colorist to go a little light on the pink highlights. It's starting to look a little like her neighbors...

By the way, does anyone look at her and wonder how old she is? I mean, she could be anywhere from 10 to 18. It's puzzling.
Speaking of puzzling...
I recently became aware of this little retro show that happens to come on at a very convenient time for moms who like to cook dinner in peace (5:30 EST, Cartoon Network):
The Banana Splits

Stringfellow Hawke from Airwolf? Why yes it is! A young Jan-Michael Vincent. Swoon.
Ahh... what memories. I can still hear the theme song as the blades of that hi-tech chopper rose from the dust.
So this is I ponder: Will Steve from Blues Clues one day be the star of an action packed prime time slot? Oh the possibilities!
I do have my limitations. There are many cartoons that are banned from our house for obvious reasons. But there are a few that are banned simply because mom cannot bear them.
1. Aurthur. Waay too much sibling bickering and name calling.
2. Caillou. Who needs another whining, demanding preschooler in the house?!
3. Yo-Gaba gaba. Just freakishly weird.
Well, I'm off to do more important things than ponder the personality qualities of cartoon characters.
Do you have a favorite? How about one that just gets under your skin?