It has begun. The 55 days of annual weight gain. It begins on November 1 when I pilfer through the leftover Halloween candy and ends with my momma's cooking on Christmas day. Anyone else have this problem?
I'm taking a stand!
No more holiday weight gain!
Wow. I sound so sure of myself! So in control!
If only you could have seen me on Friday...
My mother, who lives next door, called around 10:30 and asked me to come over and help her with a computer issue. I told her I could come, but I was still in my pj's. Her reply was, "good! me too." So I slipped on some shoes and ran across the yard, giving my 10 year old a good excuse to be the boss for the next 20 minutes. As I left, I reminded her to not answer the door if someone rang the bell, which is silly because we never have anyone come to the door in our neighborhood.
After being the geek-squad at a reduced rate, I was standing at the fence in my mom's yard when we noticed a car pull up and park in front of my house. Are you kidding me? What are the odds?! Realizing it was the men in black toting the book of Mormon I started across my back yard trying to make it home before they rang the door bell and scared my kids. I know my mom totally had my back in her cute little nightgown.
I was just about half way to the door, when I realized that they were not coming toward my house, but heading across the street to the neighbor's house, so I quickly ducked behind a bush. Darting behind a second bush, I watched them head up his driveway. As I made the last dash to my back door, a movement caught my eye.
It was a man and a woman walking up my driveway no more than 30 feet away. I stood frozen. I think I squeaked a hi!
The woman graciously said, "I can see you are busy, so we'll only take a minute of your time."
Yes, yes, I'm quite busy practicing my stealthy geek-squad moves.
In my pajamas.
At 11:00 in the morning.
In the back yard.