If you're not from NC, then you might be thinking it's a little early. My girls attend a year-around school. We LOVE the year around schedule ... except for the week we have to go back so soon in the summer.
But, in October, when everyone else is working away, we will be outside enjoying the crisp fall air without a care in the world.
So about this time last week I was pretty much acting like a 2 year old on the inside about this whole going-back-to-school thing. Yes, I had my arms crossed over my chest, a big pout on my mouth, and I stomped my foot as I thought, I don't wanna have to start the school schedule again. I don't want to let my girls go. I want to keep on having FUN!
I totally think the Lord has a great sense of humor. We laugh a lot together. (Somehow, I think He gets to laugh at me a whole lot more than He's letting on).
Last week I decided that I needed to have an attitude adjustment (and grow up) about the new school year before my girls picked up on it. So I did my best at getting them excited about the new year. Lots of pep talks and new notebooks did the trick.
Let me preface what I'm about to say with this:
I have never been one of those moms that can't wait for their kids to go back to school. I treasure our summer vacation and enjoy having my kids at home, near me.
Which brings me back to the Lord's sense of humor and wisdom.
While I was having my attitude and 2yr. old hissy fit-prayer times, He knew what was coming.
I'm sure He chuckled.
He knew that within a week, my children would go from best of playmates, to worst of enemies.
He knew that within a week, my tender, sweet girls would have cat fights worth paying money to see. He knew that within a week, my tolerance for arguing, whining, and complaining would be stretched as thin as spandex on a hippo. He knew that I needed to be assured (again) that He was not calling me to homeschool my three children this year.
Next year, maybe. But not right now.
He is good. Even though it was painful, he was preparing my momma-heart to not hurt as much as I dropped them off at school.
I met a friend on Monday morning after we dropped our school age children off. As we let our younger children play on the air conditioned Chic-fil-a playground, she confided that she usually has such a hard time on the first day of school, but this year she couldn't help but think of that Staples commercial where the dad is buying school supplies humming the Christmas tune, "It's the most won-der-ful time of the year."
I laughed out loud. Apparently her children had been invaded by the same evil aliens as mine!
Even though it was hard to let the euphoria of summer dissolve, I know that:
- We are blessed to have a wonderful school available for my children.
- Schedules are healthy.
- Grocery shopping with 1 child is much easier than with all 3 in tow.
- My girls appreciate each other (and me) more at the end of the school day.
- Only 58 days until fall break!