
Come on in, ya'll!

Our first stop is the family room,
where we celebrate Christmas. The
whole month of December. Every day.

This is the tree that holds all of our fun family ornaments.

I love red and white. It is so festive and fun.

Below are some pictures that I hang each December and
I usually leave them up until spring. They hold a special
place in my heart: My grandfather painted them.
Why didn't I get any of that artistic ability?

Let's go upstairs, shall we?
Don't mind the dog toys on the steps.
Here we are in my oldest daughter's room.
She wanted a Hawaiian themed room when we changed it
from baby pink.

It's a fun place to hang out.

Hot pink and orange can be festive, too!

Let's go visit daughter #2's room. She loves
everything horses and girly.

Her room is a periwinkle blue with brown (horse) accents. I haven't found the perfect ribbon for the top of her tree, but this is festive enough.

On to Little Man's room.

Doesn't this ornament just evoke feelings of peace
and "silent night"? Ahem.

My husband loves finding ornaments for this tree.
Any wonder why? And no, if you were wondering,
he didn't slay anything to decorate it. They are plastic:

Follow me. Let's go back downstairs.
Watch your step.
Wouldn't want you to slip on a lightsaber.
Confession time: I know I stood on my soap box a
couple of weeks ago about how every home (except those
plagued by terrible allergies) should have
real treesand stay away from those fakery bakery ones.
But, oh the shame, I have one.
I know. Hypocrisy at its southern finest.
Here is my new, old tree. Confused? Me too.

We bought this pre-lit, charlatan tree a few years ago to
adorn our front porch. I usually create a USA theme using flags and other red, white and blue trimmings. This year, much to my delight, we decided to bring it indoors and use

This meant that we were able to unpack our breakable
ornaments that have been packed away since we moved into this house. You see, our family tree sits on hardwood floors. It is dangerous to combine glass ornaments with 3 busy
children and a dog with a big whopin' tail.
Ya'll. It was like Christmas morning when I opened up those fragile beauties after 7 years! This tree sits upon real, wall to wall carpet. Soft carpet that forgives me when I drop
my favorite glass ornament. I had fun with a silver, white and green theme. It's a little froo-froo, but even my manly man commented on how much he likes it. Ka-ching!
Let's go get something to eat in the kitchen.
Don't forget to wash your hands!
This sits above my sink: even the clock
gets a new Christmas bow.

I have a little 4' skinny tree in the kitchen.
It is red and white and yummy with sugared fruit
and little kitchen gadgets. I leave it decorated
and just set the whole thing in the attic after Christmas.
I love short cuts!

We added this shelf last year. It is the perfect place to
display my ever growing collection of Nutcrackers.
Would you like to have a seat and enjoy some coffee?

I hope you've enjoyed the tour. I wish we could
all get together, trade cute ornaments and indulge
in some Christmas goodies.
Make sure you check out the other homes