This week has been a whirlwind of jumping back into the school schedule, catching up with old friends, working on a major renovation project, and wedding preparations.
1.Over the weekend my brother and his fiance' came to town for a wedding shower given by my mom's long-time friends. The bride was very gracious as she thanked various "strangers" for the abundance of gifts as I coveted her array of new crisp-white towels.
2.Twice in less than a week I had the opportunity to catch up with my own long-time friends. This is a cyber-hug to my friend (and secret reader) Mary. We've been friends since college days and it does a body good to have a friend who stays as funny as she was the day I met her. She lives in Atlanta, so we took the opportunity to meet along the interstate and catch up. Since it was 102 degrees that day, Hobby Lobby, Mimi's Cafe and JC Penny served as a playground for the abundance of offspring we toted along. I'm sure that JC Penny had their undercover shoplifter stoppers following us since we spent an hour and a half meandering through the children's department and purchased nothing.
I also had the chance to catch up with a friend from high school/college days. Kellie, her camera, and her adorable twins came for a visit and a dip in the pool. One of the best things about catching up with old friends is getting to know their children. What a delight to watch the circle of life unfold!
3.I've been up to my eyeballs since January with a major renovation project at our church. It is finally starting to take shape, which is good since my kids have started wondering if it is our second home. :) I do have before/after pictures that I will share in the near future.
4.We started our school year on Monday and let me tell you, the kiddos were much more excited about starting the early school day than I was. If the world could operate on a 9am-midnight schedule, it would be fine with me. All in all, it was a great start to the school year. I just didn't have it together enough to blog and teach at the same time...
What kept you busy this week?