What Short Women Wish the Rest of the World Knew
1. Not all women who wear 'petites' are over the age of 70. We actually like cute, inexpensive things.
2. We are not afraid to climb on the shelves of the grocery.
3. Big purses look ridiculous on us.
4. Yes, we covet long legs.
5. We prefer a table over a booth in a restaurant. Why, you ask? Horizontally moving food directly from the plate to my mouth is not fun.
6. We propose a new vehicle law: both front seats must have a vertical adjustment button.
7. Our tall friends should not feel bad about looking down on us... we are used to it.
8. Gaining 10 lbs is equivalent to the average woman gaining 20. It has fewer places to settle.
9. Kitchen counters are a little too tall. Using a knife that close to my sternum is very dangerous.
10. I know, we always get the tall guys. Know why? We have to ensure our offspring do not face these same challenges.